What’s next for retail in 2020?

Retail makes our hearts beat that little bit faster. We’re e-commerce enthusiasts, customer champions and immersive experience seekers, so it’s no surprise we’ve been diving headfirst into what’s next for our favourite topic. Here are some highlights from our latest retail trends book and you can get it, in full, by emailing us. Bring on the bedtime reading! 

On trend

The future of retail is all about making the shopping experience seamless and intuitive, yet personal. For those that are more ‘want it yesterday’, their love affair with convenience is reaching dizzy new heights. On the other hand, there are more reasons to visit shops in real life now too (how novel!), with greater interactivity and personalisation making us feel all kinds of special!  It’s a tale of two halves, but there’s very deliberately something tailored to every shopping style - and more importantly, every shopper. 


  • Scan & Go Technology

  • Curbside collection

  • Amazon Go

  • Hyper localisation

  • Facial recognition

  • AR & VR

No time to waste - brands are making it quicker and simpler in 2020

Oh behave!

Short of administering truth serum and probing for answers, retailers have always had to deal with ever changing, elusive customer behaviour. Our ‘always on, always connected’ world plays a huge part in brands remaining relevant and to help, they have technological advances, data and analytics up their sleeves. What do all the facts and figures add up to? Well surprisingly, something that’s more human. We’re in the age of making it personal and we couldn’t be more into it. 


  • Social shopping

  • Subscription boxes

  • At home AR

  • Customisation

  • Digital integration 

  • Personalised marketing 

Making it personal is the way forward

Here’s looking at you

Bury your head in the sand these days and it’s a sure-fire way to get left behind, especially when it comes to diversity, inclusion and sustainability. Customers demand more of the brands they choose to spend their money with, and they spend it with consideration and a conscious awareness of the impact. They want to know their choices and values are shared by brands they engage with. Retailers, brands and individuals (we see you, micro influencers) who lead the way are getting noticed – and looking the other way is definitely something better left in the last decade. 


  • Eco & rental fashion

  • Brands leading sustainability 

  • Diversity & inclusion

  • Retailtainment

  • Transparency

  • Micro influencers 

Do the brands you love share your values?

And if that’s whet your appetite, our Retail 2020 book is definitely for you. It’s essential reading for anyone looking to deep dive into the key trends shaping the beginning of a new decade and if you’d like to get your hands on a copy, just email us (we’ll also add you to our mailing list so you won’t miss out on our newsletter).

Whether it’s in-store, online or even in some in between playground of virtual reality, we can’t wait to see where some of these exciting initiatives take us. 


A freshly baked brand for our competition winner


A tale of two celebrations